
black sheep

the new flock of L.A.M.B. is out like a lion, and gwen wants everyone to look inside her pants. read the AP article here.

that mrs. rossdale is such a doll. she knows her fame from no doubt is what brought her instant fashion success, and politely apologizes for "cutting in line."


lucky frock

i thought i was getting a good deal when i ordered a blue butterfly print soundgirl blouse from fredflare.com on sale for $4.99. the box was delivered by ups today, and imagine my surprise -- inside was a sundress in the same print (the flutter dress) that they're selling for $54. no $5 shirt. oopsy! lucky for me, they got the right size. unlucky for you, you can't order the blouse from fredflare anymore, so you'll have to play full price for the sweet little dress. a shame. i would have liked having a little western-style blouse, though.